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NCC 2022 Energy Efficiency Update

There have been some enquiries regarding the NCC 2022 changes and what they mean for using our systems.

We are often asked, “Does going to 7 Stars mean that we will need to use thermally broken windows and doors?” The short answer is that in some instances you will but in most instances, you will still be able to use standard aluminium frames.

The long answer is…..

The new standards have been in effect since May 1, 2023, with a five-month transition period until October 1, 2023, for energy efficiency. 

Here are some of the key changes in NCC 2022:

Residential Energy Efficiency:

For Class 2 buildings, all units must achieve a minimum 7-star energy rating result with no unit below 6 stars. They also need to meet certain heating and cooling load limits outlined in the ABCB NatHERS Heating and Cooling Load Limits Standard. Each unit must achieve a whole-of-home rating of at least 50 out of 100.

For Class 1 residences, a minimum 7-star energy rating result is required, and they must not exceed heating and cooling load limits as outlined in the ABCB NatHERS Heating and Cooling Load Limits Standard. They also need to achieve a whole-of-home rating of at least 60 out of 100, which includes, heating/cooling equipment, hot water, lighting, swimming pools and spas.


Choose lighter or darker coloured roofs, external walls, and window frames based on the climate zone. Include suitable shading devices to north, east, and west-oriented windows, such as overhangs or screens to the north and external operable shading or vertical elements to the east and west.

In Sydney/Perth/Adelaide, standard single storey homes and townhouses should still comply with single glazing and aluminium frames.
For larger, double storey home (more glazing), it is more likely that double glazing and thermally broken frames could be required.

In Melbourne/Hobart, standard single storey homes and townhouses should still comply with double glazing and aluminium frames.
Larger, double storey homes are more likely to require thermally broken frames.

Brisbane will probably see very little call for thermally broken frames, however, we may see some more double glazing being used. 

Commercial Energy Efficiency:

Certain buildings (Class 2, 3, 5, 6, 7b, 8, or 9) must have provisions for future on-site renewables and electric vehicle charging installation. New DTS provisions facilitate the future installation of electric vehicle charging equipment and solar photovoltaics and battery storage. NABERS Energy Verification pathway is expanded to include Class 2 Common Areas, Class 3 Short Term Stay Accommodation, and Class 6 Shopping Centres.

There is no performance requirement changes in non-residential buildings, so there will be a limited change in the use of thermally broken suites.